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IT-Servicezentrum Anleitungen & Broschüren

Online manuals & brochures

As part of our digital service offering, we offer you comprehensive online instructions on a variety of IT services and tools. These include setting up and using eduroam for secure WiFi access, integrating Office 365 for collaborative work, and configuring VPN and proxy for external access to internal networks. We also provide instructions for FollowMe printing to enable flexible printing, as well as information on using email services. The offering is supplemented by a series of other instructions on various IT topics.

IT-Servicezentrum Herdt-Verlag

The publisher Herdt has licensed over 800 e-books on computer science topics, including Windows, Microsoft Office and Teams. The e-books are fully downloadable, some with additional media such as video tutorials, examples, solutions or knowledge tests.

Further instructions:

ITS Brochures

IT-Servicezentrum Flyer Video- Audio- und Webkonferenzen
IT-Servicezentrum Flyer E-Lectures
IT-Servicezentrum Flyer 8 Punkte für Sicherheit

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