Logo des IT-Servicezentrums
Ein Laptop mit einem farbenfrohen, digitalen Benutzeroberflächen-Design, das Programmcode, Schaltflächen und Diagramme zeigt. Zwei Zahnräder, eines schwarz und das andere weiß, sind im Vordergrund sichtbar, was auf technische Anpassungen oder Einstellungen hinweist

Software for employees

Software from the framework and central license agreements of the University of Bayreuth can be purchased directly via the webshop. The software offered from “Academic Licensing” models is generally cheaper than in price models for private companies and organizations or for private individuals.

A list of software that can be procured from framework and central license agreements can be found in our product overview.

Please note that software purchases can only be made for official purposes via the chairs and cost center. Private purchases for personal use are unfortunately not possible.

For questions about software and licenses that you find in the webshop, please use our support form and select the support area “Software”.

For questions regarding the procurement of software products that are not covered by one of the current framework agreements and can be found in the web store or at Studisoft, please contact the IT Purchasing department or submit a procurement request directly

Die Lösung für Ihr Problem war noch nicht dabei?

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