Students and employees of the University of Bayreuth receive a university e-mail address. With your personal user ID, which you receive automatically upon enrollment or hiring, you can access your email inbox via a browser or email program.
By default, every employee and student is given an account on the Exchange server. This allows you to use all the advantages of the Exchange service in conjunction with Microsoft Outlook or another email program that supports ActiveSync.
- Outlook Web Access: https://mail.myubt.de
Setting up and using the Microsoft Exchange service
You can log in to the Exchange server with your user ID and password. To set up your account in Outlook, enter Benutzerkennung@myubt.de as the username/email.
To change your personal spam, white or blacklist settings, please log in to the anti-spam portal https://mailgate.myubt.de/ with your user ID.
For smartphones and programs with ActiveSync (Exchange) support that do not have an autodiscover function like Microsoft Outlook or Apple iPhone, additional data is required. Here is a brief overview:
- Server address: https://mail.myubt.de
- Domain: myubt.de
- User name: Benutzerkennung@myubt.de or myubt\user ID
Note: The
Microsoft “Outlook for iOS” and “Outlook for Android” apps are not supported
and are actively blocked due to data protection violations (saving the user ID
and password on servers in third countries). Please use the native email app of
your smartphone.
Please note: Sending emails larger than 30 MB, including attachments, is not supported. Split the attachment into several emails or use our MyFiles or GigaMove service.
If employees want to retrieve their emails via the IMAP protocol, this function must be activated individually on the Exchange server. However, the full range of Exchange functions can only be used with the ActiveSync protocol. Please contact the ITS contact point (telephone: 0921 / 55-3003 or its-beratung@uni-bayreuth.de).
Instructions for setting up: https://laps.uni-bayreuth.de
In addition to the e-mail addresses vorname.nachname@uni-bayreuth.de and benutzerkennung@uni-bayreuth.de, anyone can enter another e-mail alias in the self-service portal. Of course, the new e-mail addresses must not yet be taken and must still include your own surname.
The student e-mail address expires six months after exmatriculation together with the personal ID. No separate reference is made to the expiry; it is not possible to renew the ID - except by re-enrolling.
Setting Up a List
To set up a list, please complete the online application form (available in German only).
You can choose from three types of lists:
- Private: Only the list owner can add or remove email addresses and send emails.
- Moderated: Email addresses can only be added or removed with the list owner’s permission, and emails require the list owner’s approval to be sent.
- Open: Email addresses can be freely added or removed, and emails are distributed without filtering.
List Administration: The list owner manages the list under the “List Management” section on the list server. Here, you can add descriptions, manage email addresses, and adjust access controls.
Adding and Removing Addresses: Users can subscribe or unsubscribe to open or moderated lists directly on the list server under “Subscriber’s Corner” or by sending a message to listserv@listserv.uni-bayreuth.de with the content “subscribe [listname]” or “unsubscribe [listname]”.
Sending Emails: To send an email to the list, address your message to [listname]@listserv.uni-bayreuth.de.
You no longer work at the university, but want to continue receiving your e-mails? Then apply for lifelong e-mail forwarding. Here's what you need to do: Log in to the IT Service Center's self-service portal within 92 days of the end of your employment. Enter a private e-mail address here and agree to the forwarding. This “lifetime” forwarding will only become active after the above-mentioned grace period has expired. You can change the e-mail address entered at any time in the self-service portal and will be asked to update your data by e-mail every year.
Please note: This service is purely a forwarding service. It is not possible to send e-mails.
Still haven't found the solution to your problem?
Then we will be happy to help you personally.
Please contact our ITS help desk.