Logo des IT-Servicezentrums
PC Pool


The IT Service Centre provides computer rooms on the university campus for all university members. These can be used outside of course and exercise times, exams, placement tests and experiments for student research projects, Bachelor's and Master's theses, internet research and much more. The standardised user interface and identical software versions and configurations on all computers guarantee smooth operation.

More than 450 PC workstations are available in the pools. For licensing reasons, some of the course software is only available for certain departments or in selected PC pools. Special software solutions are available for thesis preparation, among other uses. On our room overview page, you can request activation of the necessary programs and see which ones are available.You can find an overview of the locations, the available space, the hardware equipment and the available software under PC pools.

There you can also inform us about defective computers or other errors. Help us!

Still haven't found the solution to your problem?

Then we will be happy to help you personally.
Please contact our ITS help desk.