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Newsflash - Brief information from the ITS

05.07.2024 / FortiSandbox

Extended protection of our e-mail security: FortiSandbox

We have integrated FortiSandbox in addition to FortiMail to further improve our e-mail security.

What does the FortiSandbox do?
The FortiSandbox checks suspicious emails, including the URLs and attachments they contain. Different from the normal FortiMail filtering, it opens URLs in a browser on a virtual machine if required, just as you would do as a user. This process is also applied to Office attachments, PDFs, scripts and other file types. Each file is analyzed for suspicious and dangerous behavior using the associated application.

What happens if an e-mail is suspicious?
If the FortiSandbox classifies an e-mail as low risk, a red text block is placed in front of it in the e-mail text. E-mails with a higher risk are moved to the FortiMail system quarantine. In the case of a false alarm, these e-mails can be requested via ITS consulting.

24.06.2024 / E-mail certificate

Digital e-mail certificate

An email certificate, also known as a digital certificate or S/MIME certificate, increases the security and authenticity of emails. It protects both private and business emails against identity theft, unauthorized access and manipulation.

You can now apply for your personal user certificate for e-mail traffic at the University of Bayreuth. Detailed instructions on how to apply for and integrate the certificates into various mail programs (Outlook/Windows, Outlook/macOS and Apple Mail/macOS) can be found on the pages of the Laptopsprechstunde.

25.04.2024 / Security update

Microsoft security update

Since 3/15  there have been various problems in the webmail mail.myubt.de following a mandatory security update for the UBT Exchange Mail Server. For example, attachments could not be downloaded, image icons had disappeared and much more.More about this here: https://info.its.uni-bayreuth.de/its-störungsmeldungen

On 4/23 Microsoft released a patch to fix these problems, which was immediately applied yesterday (4/24) by the ITS.
The problems should now be solved, if you still have problems please send an e-mail to its-beratung@uni-bayreuth.de

16.04.2024 / A safe start to the semester

Working safely with the computer during your studies

Working with computers of all kinds is an indispensable part of your studies today.
Unfortunately, the number of threats to your computers from cyber criminals is also increasing rapidly.

That's why we are offering you the event for the first time at the beginning of the lecture period:
A secure start to the semester - working securely with your computer during your studies
on Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 13:30 in lecture hall H18 (building NW II)
in cooperation with the Bayreuth Criminal Investigation Department K11.

The event will begin with information from the University of Bayreuth's Information Security Officer Ralf Stöber
on secure working for students in conjunction with the University of Bayreuth's services.
He will address the following points in particular:

  • Information security goals / most important rules
  • What is the bt identifier? / Important services of the ITS
  • Tips for secure working

The K11 police department will then provide information on the following topics:

  • How do I protect myself from the latest cybercriminal scams?
  • How do I behave in a (computer) emergency?
  • How can I report crimes committed by cyber criminals?

There will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the event.
You are welcome to submit suggestions for topics by e-mail to isb@uni-bayreuth.de.
I look forward to a large number of participants.

Best regards from the IT Service Center


International Love Data Week

Under this year's motto "My Kind of Data", numerous events on the topic of research data will take place in German-speaking countries as part of the International Love Data Week from February 12-16, 2024.

The University of Bayreuth is also taking part in the campaign week: University members who have questions about research data management (RDM), such as

  • what requirements research funders have for RDM
  • what they need to bear in mind when working with sensitive data
  • which local IT services are available at the UBT
  • how they can publish their research data and make it available in the long term
  • and what is important in connection with metadata

are cordially invited to attend the Love Data Week.

The FDM team at the University of Bayreuth will be available to answer questions on site or online.

  • On 14.02.2024 from 11:30 - 13:30 at a poster session on the topic of research data in the main cafeteria
  • In our digital open consultation hour on 15.02.2024 from 10:30 - 11:30 and 13:30 - 14:30 (via Zoom)

Target group: Members of the University of Bayreuth
Access data for Zoom via the e-learning platform Moodle
(the dial-in data can also be found on the FDM website under Events)

07.12.2023 / WLAN


Due to urgently needed expansion work in the WLAN infrastructure, there may be connection problems with end devices.

Either you do NOT get a connection or the connection is constantly up and down or no data is transmitted despite an existing connection.

The eduroam certificates were exchanged on 09/27, if there is NO connection, the FIRST thing you should do is check the certificate (https://laps.uni-bayreuth.de)

If there is no data transfer, deactivating and reactivating the WLAN interface may be the solution.

For other problems, please send a message to its-beratung@uni-bayreuth.de with the following information:

  • Device type and operating system (incl. version)
  • User ID
  • Location and time
  • If possible, the hardware address (MAC) of the WLAN card

27.11.2023 / Information Security Week

Information Security Week

at the start of Information Security Week, I would like to draw your attention to our new training videos on the topics of setting the new mail filter, Windows computer security and current threats on the video server (Panopto). Via the link https://mms.uni-bayreuth.de/Panopto/Pages/Sessions/List.aspx#folderID=%22c6c4692c-9fe5-4e0d-8322-b0c4012a50f6%22 you can access the videos after logging in with your bt Identifier.

You can also do the security check for your Windows computer with instructions at our information stands this week from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the following locations:

> Monday, November 27, 2023: NW II in the public area of the ITS at the contact point
> Tuesday, November 28, 2023: NW I opposite the entrance from H15
> Wednesday, November 29, 2023: RW II opposite the entrance to the RW library
> Thursday, November 30, 2023: FAN B near the cafeteria
> Friday, December 01, 2023: RW II opposite the entrance to the RW library

I would also like to draw your attention to the lecture by the Bayreuth Criminal Investigation Department on November 28, 2023 at 10 a.m. in H35.

You can still register via the link https://elearning.uni-bayreuth.de/login/index.php

22.11.2023 / eduroam

Certificate conversion eduroam

We replaced the server certificates for eduroam on 27.09.2023.

In order to let you know what this means and what you can do if your device(s) won't connect to eduroam anymore after the alteration, we have provided important information, instructions and tips on our website: https://laps.uni-bayreuth.de/news.

Should you still need help after the certificate replacement despite the information and tips, please feel free to contact the Laptopsprechstunde, our experts will be happy to help you.

07.11.2023 / Malwarewarnung


In the last few days, the University of Bayreuth has received an increasing number of malicious e-mails,
some of which have been sent from accounts at the University of Bayreuth that have been tapped.
Please be particularly careful with these emails, as malware is downloaded as soon as you click on the link. 
Pictures of these e-mails and current malicious e-mails can be found on the ITS malware warning page at: https://info.its.uni-bayreuth.de/its-malwarewarnungen

 Watch out for further malicious e-mails in the near future, as further e-mail accounts at the University of Bayreuth
may have been tapped as part of this wave of malicious e-mails.

 You can recognize such phishing emails by:
a) an impersonal salutation - we know your name and identifier
b) a false sender e-mail address 
c) a link that leads to a non-university site: 
d) (sometimes) the "bumpy" language
As long as you do not click on the link, no harm will come from such an e-mail.
If you have clicked on the link, please change your password IMMEDIATELY and check your mail account in Webmail several times a day for suspicious activity.

PS: If you use Outlook, you can easily forward suspicious mails to IT Security via the ITS Report Mail button, 
This would be the preferred method for ITS, as it also sends all important mail information.

19.10.2023 / Update

Upgrade des Microfocus/OpenText Filr auf die Version 23

undefinedn upgrade of Microfocus/OpenText Filr to version 23.0 is planned for next Monday to Wednesday (23.10. - 25.10.2023).

On these days, the Filr service will not be available via MyFiles. In order to continue to have access to your data and
the home and group drive, you can attach them to your device as a network drive.

Here you can find a detailed description: Instruction as PDF

01.10.2023 / Linux-Support

Immediate Linux support

We are pleased to inform you that we will establish a central Linux (Ubuntu) support as of October 1 within the framework of the HighTechAgenda. René Meißner (previously Keylab HPC) will be happy to take care of your concerns via email (linux-support@uni-bayreuth.de) or by phone.

Furthermore, after sufficient needs assessment with regard to software selection and basic configuration, it is planned to offer an Ubuntu basic installation for employees, similar to what is already offered for MS Windows and Apple macOS.

04.08.2023 / Teams and Office 365

The ITS has got support!

We are pleased to inform you that we now have a new contact person on a half-time basis for all questions and problems regarding Teams and Office 365.

Mr. Matthias Scharf is at your disposal and will gladly take care of your concerns via e-mail or phone. In the upcoming ITS News we will present you more information about Matthias Scharf. In addition, we plan that he will hold a training session as part of the "ITS Wissen" training series in the spring of 2024 after his familiarization phase.

19.10.2022 New video on it security for students


Take 10 minutes of your time for a good & safe start into your studies. We have compiled the most important information on the subject of information security (bt identification, e-mail security, ...) for freshmen.

Under the following link you will find the video (also available in English): https://mms.uni-bayreuth.de/Panopto/Pages/Sessions/List.aspx#folderID=%225fcfd2a7-56ff-4cca-b5e5-af2c012d8562%22

PS. Of course, "older semesters" are also allowed to use the video

20.12.2021 Log4j security vulnerability

Warning about security vulnerability log4j

A critical security vulnerability has been discovered in the widely used Java library log4j. According to the BSI, this leads to an extremely critical threat situation. Both servers and end-user PCs may be affected.

We ask that unused PCs at the University site be switched off over the Christmas holidays.

Further information on affected manufacturers or on how to detect the vulnerability can be found on the website provided by the BSI:


We are continuing to keep an eye on the security situation and will inform you after the Christmas closure if there are any further findings.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

01.12.2021 HP printers

Warning of security vulnerabilities in HP printers

Critical security vulnerabilities have been identified for various models of HP printers. If you have an HP printer in your area, see the following page to find out whether your device is affected:


You can get the latest firmware updates from the official HP website:


20.04.2021 Zoom

Zoom - Server Certificate Exchange

On 21.04.21 at 8:40 am, the certificate of the authentication server https://uni-bayreuth.zoom.us is exchanged. Login to the Zoom profile will not be possible for a few minutes. If you want to start a meeting during this time, log in shortly before. Once you are logged in, the switch will not affect your Zoom meetings.

Attending meetings that do not require Zoom login will not be affected. Updating the Zoom client is also not necessary but is, of course, recommended regularly.

26.03.2021 Zoom

Zoom client: Update to current version requested

Zoom video conferencing solution is constantly being developed and also made more secure. Smaller updates are often released almost weekly. After the initial installation, the locally installed client is not automatically updated until now. Most recently, in the fall of 2020, all users were required to upgrade to Zoom version 5.0.

As of now, the University of Bayreuth account requires at least version 5.6.0 (Win) or 5.5.5 (Mac) to participate in a Zoom meeting. This update will occur immediately prior to a meeting once you log into and start the Zoom client. To avoid possible delays in scheduled meetings, install the latest client and check the client regularly for new updates.


12.03.2021 Information security

Warning against spearphishing

The University of Bayreuth is currently the target of an extensive spearphishing attack. Mails of this kind are really relatively well disguised, the display name is faked, the "real" e-mail address comes from a third-party provider (often gmail.vom). Mails of this type are called "spearphishing" because they are targeted at specific groups of people.

Initial mails of this type currently look like this:

From: Professor Vorname Nachname  [mailto:directord567@gmail.com]

Subject: Available? 

If you have a minute, could you please drop an email.

The email itself is harmless, but the worst is when it turns into a communication and the addressed user agrees to the requested help. You can simply delete this mail, but we ask you to inform and warn the people around you.

An automatic defense is almost not possible because the emails do not contain any machine recognizable risks, it only helps to inform and train the users so that emails of this kind are easily recognized.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the UBT Information Security Officer at its-security@uni-bayreuth.de.

10.11.2020 Office 365

Conversion of the Office 365 licenses

Already in August the licensing of Office 365 was changed. All accounts that were previously created via Studisoft - recognizable by @lizenzunibt.onmicrosoft.com - are no longer valid. The license is tied to the Office 365 account of UBT now (@myubt.de).

You can find further information about the changeover or getting started at https://laps.uni-bayreuth.de/office.

Please note: after confirmation of the declaration of consent, you can log in with your bt-Kennung@myubt.de (e.g. bt123456@myubt.de) in about 1-2 hours to the Microsoft portal (https://portal.office.com). However, the complete activation of all services can take up to 24 hours after the activation of your Microsoft 365 account. 

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Oliver Gschwender